Kelly doesn’t just teach healing. She has lived the process in her own life and it has made a profound difference in insights learned, the choices she has made, her full-self-expression, and in living her own dreams of making a difference for others.
As a healing practitioner and owner of Retreat in the Jungle, she provides services which include: massage & reiki healing, empowerment parties & retreats, and chair massage for events.Her first speech was entitled “Soar to Success Minus the Stress” on the Benefits of Massage, which landed her a 10-year contract with a leading International Seminar Company.
Her passion for empowering others to be the gift they are to this world is evident in her presentation style.
Kelly has been called a “ball of fire,” “uplifting,” ”engaging,” “motivating,” “funny,” “a source of inspiration and introspection,” and “dynamic.” Kelly is an expert in emotional intelligence and how it pertains to human beings designing a life that works and a life they love. She is a down-to-earth speaker who backs up her content by authentically sharing stories of overcoming adversity and managing life within life’s terms. People relate to her experiences and stories and get a good laugh in seeing their own humanity.